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User since: Apr 23, 2001 at 20:32 UTC (23 years ago)
Last here: Feb 24, 2010 at 22:30 UTC (14 years ago)
Experience: 3275
Level:Curate (13)
Writeups: 77
Location:Fayetteville, AR USA
User's localtime: Apr 23, 2024 at 03:04 CDT
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The above picture was taken in Barcelona in December 2007.

The Path to Enlightenment...

Me? A Monk? :) - 2001/11/07
Monk, a man who is a member of a brotherhood living in a monastery and devoted to a discipline prescribed by his order
Friar, Friar, pants on fire - 2001/11/24
Friar, term applied to members of certain religious orders who practice the principles of monastic life and devote themselves to serving humanity in the secular world. Friars differ from monks in that monks lead a cloistered life within a specific community. Friars belong to a general order and work as individuals in the secular world.
Wheah's dat pesky wabbot - 2002/01/03
Abbot, in certain religious orders, the head of a monastery or abbey elected by the members of the order. Regarded as the father of his community, the abbot enforces the rules of the order and administers the monastery.
bishop - 2002/6/11
A high-ranking Christian cleric, in modern churches usually in charge of a diocese and in some churches regarded as having received the highest ordination in unbroken succession from the apostles.
Mulled port spiced with oranges, sugar, and cloves.
pontiff - 2002/09/18
1) The pope, 2) A bishop, 3) A pontifex (a man on the highest council of priests in ancient Rome).
saint - 2003/04/01 Really!
A person officially recognized, especially by canonization, as being entitled to public veneration and capable of interceding for people on earth. A person who has died and gone to heaven.


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