if statements test a control statement to see whether it is true or false. else and elsif clauses can also be tagged on the back.
#your basic if if($value==1){ print "value is equal to 1\n"; } #your basic if/else if($value==1){ print "value is equal to 1\n"; } else{ print "value is not equal to 1\n"; } #your basic if/elsif/else if($value==1){ print "value is equal to 1\n"; } elsif($value==2){ print "value is equal to 2\n"; } elsif($value==3){ print "value is equal to 3\n"; } else{ print "value is not equal to 1,2, or 3\n"; }
Unless statements offer you the opposite functionality. If the control statement evaluates to false then the statements inside the block are executed.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: if statements
by Mr. Muskrat (Canon) on Jun 16, 2002 at 14:36 UTC
    Something else that should be mentioned... You can reverse if statements:

    ++$node if $votes > 0;
      Please supply an example of your reverse if statement syntax... PL
        That is a reversal of the "usual" if at the front of the statement.