my($sec) = 0; my($min) = 0; my($hour) = 0; my($mday) = 0; my($mon) = 0; my($year) = 0; my($sday) = 0; my($yday) = 0; my($isdst) = 0; my($Prefix) = "_*.log"; print "Parsing command string\n"; if ($#ARGV >= 0) { if ($#ARGV != 2) { print "USAGE\n"; print "perl.exe 2004 08 31\n"; exit; } else { $year = $ARGV[0]; $mon = $ARGV[1]; $mday = $ARGV[2]; $DateText = sprintf("%04d\-%02d\-%02d", $year,$mon,$mday); } if ($mon == 1) { $MonthPreviousText = sprintf("%04d\-%02d", $year-1,$mon+11); } else { $MonthPreviousText = sprintf("%04d\-%02d", $year,$mon-1); } } else { ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$sday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $year = $year + 1900; $DateText = sprintf("%04d\-%02d\-%02d", $year,$mon+1,$mday-1); if ($mon == 0) { $MonthPreviousText = sprintf("%04d\-%02d", $year-1,$mon+12); } else { $MonthPreviousText = sprintf("%04d\-%02d", $year,$mon); } } print "checkpoint1\n"; $FolderLocation = "Dir d:\\appdata\\fw1\\R75.20\\fw1\\log\\".$DateText.$Prefix; print $FolderLocation."\n"; #get log file name $FolderResults = `$FolderLocation`; #parse the results into a list of shares to query @FolderResults = split('\n',$FolderResults); print "checkpoint2\n"; #Loop on each Line foreach $Line (@FolderResults) { print $Line."\n"; if ($Line =~ /$DateText/) { #print "****".$Line."\n"; @FileResults = split (' ',$Line); $ArrayElements = @FileResults; $FileNameResult = @FileResults[4]; } } $FWExport = "fwm logexport -n -a -i d:\\appdata\\fw1\\R75.20\\fw1\\log\\".$FileNameResult." -o d:\\appdata\\fw1\\R75.20\\fw1\\log\\export\\".$DateText."\.log"; print "FWExport Text: ".$FWExport."\n"; $OutResults = `$FWExport`; if ($mday == 1) { $PKZipLine = "pkzip.exe ".$MonthPreviousText."* ".$MonthPreviousText.""; print "PKZip Text: ".$PKZipLine."\n\n\n"; } else { print "Skipping zipping and deleting of logs.\n\n\n" }