#!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); my $cheese_pic = 'http://www.pilpre.com/briac/cheesering2.gif'; my $url = url(); my $start = param('start') || 'CheeseLord'; my $go = param('go') || 'next'; my $referer = referer() || 'http://www.perlmonks.org'; my $tld = $referer =~ m[perlmonks\.([^/]+)/] ? $1 : 'org'; my $perlmonks = 'http://'.(($referer =~ m|www\.p|i)?'www.':'')."perlmonks.$tld"; my $list = 'cheese.list'; sysopen( LIST, $list, 0 ) or die "Cannot open '$list': $!\n"; # do we need flocking here? chomp( my @ring = ); close LIST; my ( $start_index, $loc ); foreach ( 0 .. $#ring ) { if ( $ring[$_] eq $start ) { $start_index = $_; last } } my %dispatch = ( 'first' => sub { $ring[0] }, 'last' => sub { $ring[-1] }, 'next' => sub { cycle(1) }, 'previous' => sub { cycle(-1) }, 'next5' => sub { cycle(5) }, 'prev5' => sub { cycle(-5) }, 'random' => sub { $ring[ rand @ring ] }, 'list' => sub { list() }, 'add' => sub { add($start) }, ); $go = 'next' unless exists $dispatch{$go}; $loc = &{ $dispatch{$go} } || $ring[0]; $loc =~ s/([\W_])/sprintf('%%%02X', $1)/eg; # [\W_] suggested by CheeseLord print redirect( $perlmonks . '/index.pl?node=' . $loc ); exit(0); # sub list { my @urls = map { my $name = $_; s/([\W_])/sprintf('%%%02X', $1)/eg; # [\W_] suggested by CheeseLord (again!) a( { -href => $perlmonks . '/index.pl? node=' . $_ }, $name ) } @ring; print header(), start_html('Cheesy Ring Members'), h1('Cheesy Ring Members'), p( img( { -src => $cheese_pic } ) ), hr(), ul( li( { -type => 'disc' }, \@urls ) ), end_html(); exit(0); } # sub cycle { my $count = shift; return ( $ring[ $start_index + $count ] ? $ring[ $start_index + $count ] : $ring[ $start_index + $count - @ring ] ); } # sub add { my $name = shift; my $found; open( LIST, "$list" ) or die "Cannot open '$list': $!\n"; flock( LIST, 1 ); while () { $found++ if m/^$name$/i } close(LIST); unless ($found){ push ( @ring, $name ); open( LIST, "+< $list" ) or die "Cannot open '$list': $!\n"; flock( LIST, 2 ); seek( LIST, 0, 0 ); truncate( LIST, 0 ); print LIST join ( "\n", @ring ); close(LIST); } my $inc = div( { -align => 'center' }, img({-src=> $cheese_pic}), h2( $found ? "You're already a Cheese Member!" : 'Welcome to the Cheesy webring!' ), p(small(tt( join(' - ', map { ' [ ' . a({-href=> "$url?start=$name&go=$_"}, $_) . ' ]'} ( 'previous', 'next', 'random', 'list', 'next5', 'prev5', 'first', 'last' ) ) ) ) ), p( small( "don't blame me for [Cheesy WebRing|this idea], it's [ar0n]'s fault!" ) ) ); $inc =~ s/&/&/g; $inc =~ s//>/g; print header(), start_html('Cheesy Ring Members'), h1('Cheesy Ring Members'), p('Add the following code somewhere in your homenode:'), tt($inc), hr(), end_html; exit; } __DATA__ ar0n CheeseLord OeufMayo blakem thatguy virtualsue tinman htoug rob_au