#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use WWW::Babelfish; use CGI 'header'; use Data::Dumper; my %html = (); my $C = 1; my @langs = qw(German French Spanish Italian Portuguese); shuffle(\@langs); my $str = qq~This contains both text and html.~; $str = translate($str); print "$langs[0]: ", $str, '
', Dumper(\%html);

sub translate
my ($txt) = @_;

$txt =~ s|<([^>]+)>|savetags($1)|eg; # weak parsing :-/

my $obj = new WWW::Babelfish( 'agent' => 'DeBabelizer' );
return $_[0] unless defined($obj);

my $ttxt = $obj->translate( 
	'source'      => 'English',
	'destination' => $langs[0],
	'text'        => $txt

return $_[0] unless defined($ttxt);

$ttxt = encode($ttxt);

# replace placeholders with corresponding html
# need ;? cause the fish sometimes screws up that colon
$ttxt =~ s|\<\;(\d+)\>\;?|<$html{$1}>|g; 
return $ttxt

sub savetags
{ # replace html tag content with placeholders
my $htm = pop;

$html{$C} = $htm; # ack, global

$_ = '<'.$C.'>';

$C++; # global

return $_

## and two third-party subs that add to the fun
sub shuffle
{ # Perl Cookbook recipe 4.17
my $array = shift;
for(my$i = @$array; --$i;){
	my$j = int rand ($i+1);
	next if $i == $j;
	@$array[$i,$j] = @$array[$j,$i]

sub encode
{ # UTF-8 to latin1 regex from XML::TiePYX (thanks to mirod)
my($text) = @_;
$text =~ s{([\xc0-\xc3])(.)}{
  my $hi = ord($1);
  my $lo = ord($2);
  chr((($hi & 0x03) <<6) | ($lo & 0x3F))
return $text;