$ cat closure_call.pl #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # # Stuff you already have in your program # my ($handle, $not_today, $thingie) = qw($handle $not_today $thingie); sub printargs { print "printargs(", join(", ", @_), ")\n"; } # Get a reference to a function with some of the args already in place my $simple = simplificate(\&printargs, $handle, $not_today, $thingie); my $simpl2 = simplificate(\&printargs, "tittle", "tattle"); # Function to build a reference with some arguments already in place sub simplificate { my ($rFn, @args) = @_; return sub { &$rFn(@args, @_) }; } # Now call it as you need it &$simple("Foo!", 234); &$simple("Frob!",23); &$simple("Forb!",54); &$simple("ooF!",11); &$simple("broF!", 'fakenum'); &$simple("Frap!",458); &$simpl2("Whackmatic"); &$simpl2("Cybernicus"); &$simpl2("Canem Infernae"); $ perl closure_call.pl printargs($handle, $not_today, $thingie, Foo!, 234) printargs($handle, $not_today, $thingie, Frob!, 23) printargs($handle, $not_today, $thingie, Forb!, 54) printargs($handle, $not_today, $thingie, ooF!, 11) printargs($handle, $not_today, $thingie, broF!, fakenum) printargs($handle, $not_today, $thingie, Frap!, 458) printargs(tittle, tattle, Whackmatic) printargs(tittle, tattle, Cybernicus) printargs(tittle, tattle, Canem Infernae)