#! /usr/bin/perl ##!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # # # remediation_1xEVDO.pl # # This script is used to implement data remediation for Nortel 1xEVDO # # Usage: remediation_1xEVDO.pl # # # Example: # remediation_1xEVDO.pl NortelEVDO.cfg MTX41.1.20031029070000.1xEVDO #use File::Basename; use Time::Local; #Global Variables %basic_references = (); %raw_hash = (); $inFilePath = "RNC6.200507120000.30.RNCpm.pp1"; $current_filename = `basename $inFilePath`; open (CDF,$inFilePath) or die "Cannot open $currDcFile:$!\n"; ($temp1,$current_time_stamp,$temp2) = ($current_filename =~ /(\w+).(\w+).(.*)/); $previous_file_name = get_previous_filename($temp1,$current_time_stamp,$temp2); form_basic_reference($current_time_stamp); for $file_name ( $previous_file_name, $inFilePath ) { open ( CDF , "$file_name" ) || die "Can't open file $file_name :$!:\n"; while ( $line = ) { chomp($line); ($time_reference,$actual_data) = split('&&',$line); $rem_type = substr($time_reference,4,1); if ( grep(/^$time_reference$/,keys %basic_references) ) { $section = $basic_references{$time_reference}; next if ($line =~ /^PREV/); @origRec = split(/\|/, $actual_data); $CDFEntity = shift @origRec; $PegValue = pop @origRec; $PegName = pop @origRec; $stTime = pop @origRec; @InstID = @origRec; $currEntPeg = join ("-", $CDFEntity, $PegName); $InstanceKey=join ("-",$PegName, @InstID); $main_hash{$CDFEntity}{$rem_type}{$InstanceKey}{$section} = [ $PegValue,$stTime,substr($time_reference,5,2) ]; $main_hash{$CDFEntity}{$rem_type}{'allnegativeflag1'} = 'false'; $main_hash{$CDFEntity}{$rem_type}{'allnegativeflag2'} = 'false'; } } } use Data::Dumper; foreach $val (keys %main_hash) { #Entity foreach $type ( keys %{$main_hash{$val}} ) { #rem_type $total_R_count = keys %{$main_hash{$val}{'R'}}; #print "Rem_count :$total_R_count:\n"; $diff_negative_count_2 = 0; $diff_negative_count_1 = 0; foreach $pegs ( keys %{$main_hash{$val}{$type}} ) { $T1val = defined ${$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'Section1'}}[0] ? ${$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'Section1'}}[0] : undef; $T2val = defined ${$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'Section2'}}[0] ? ${$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'Section2'}}[0] : undef;; $T3val = defined ${$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'Section3'}}[0] ? ${$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'Section3'}}[0] : undef; if ( $type eq 'R' ) { $diffT1 = $T2val - $T1val if (defined $T2val && defined $T1val); $diffT2 = $T3val - $T2val if (defined $T3val && defined $T2val); ## if ($diffT1 < 0) { $diff_negative_count_1++; if ($T1val > (2**32 - 500000000)) { $diffT1 = 2**32 - $T1val + $T2val; } else { $diffT1 = $T2val; } } if ($diffT2 < 0) { $diff_negative_count_2++; if ($T2val > (2**32 - 500000000)) { $diffT2 = 2**32 - $T2val + $T3val; } else { $diffT2 = $T3val; } } ## $main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'diff1'} = defined $diffT1 ? $diffT1 : 'Y'; $main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'diff2'} = defined $diffT2 ? $diffT2 : 'Y'; } else { $main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'diff1'} = defined $T1val ? $T1val : 'Y'; $main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'diff2'} = defined $T2val ? $T2val : 'Y'; } } $main_hash{$val}{$rem_type}{'allnegativeflag1'} = 'true' if ($total_R_count == $diff_negative_count_1 ); $main_hash{$val}{$rem_type}{'allnegativeflag2'} = 'true' if ($total_R_count == $diff_negative_count_2 ); #print "Rem_count :$total_R_count: $diff_negative_count_1 : $diff_negative_count_2\n"; } } #Final String Formation foreach $val (keys %main_hash) { #Entity foreach $type ( keys %{$main_hash{$val}} ) { #rem_type $printed_1 = 0; $printed_2 = 0; if ( $type eq 'R' && $main_hash{$val}{$type}{'allnegativeflag1'} eq 'true' ) { print "# Warning: No remediations for First section of $val. System might be restarted ?\n"; $printed_1 = 1; } if ( $type eq 'R' && $main_hash{$val}{$type}{'allnegativeflag2'} eq 'true' ) { print "# Warning: No remediations for Second section of $val. System might be restarted ?\n"; $printed_2 = 1; } next if ( $printed_1 == 1 && $printed_2 == 1 ); if ($printed_1 == 0 && $printed_2 == 0) { foreach $pegs ( keys %{$main_hash{$val}{$type}} ) { next if ($pegs =~ /allnegativeflag/); @returnKeyT2 = split (/-/, $pegs); $pegName = shift @returnKeyT2; $finalStringT1 = join ("\|",$val,@returnKeyT2,${$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'Section1'}}[1],$pegName,$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'diff1'}); $finalStringT2 = join ("\|",$val,@returnKeyT2,${$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'Section2'}}[1],$pegName,$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'diff2'}); #print "$finalStringT1\n"; #print "$finalStringT2\n"; } } if ($printed_1 == 1 && $printed_2 == 0) { foreach $pegs ( keys %{$main_hash{$val}{$type}} ) { next if ($pegs =~ /allnegativeflag/); @returnKeyT2 = split (/-/, $pegs); $pegName = shift @returnKeyT2; $finalStringT2 = join ("\|",$val,@returnKeyT2,${$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'Section2'}}[1],$pegName,$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'diff2'}); #print "$finalStringT2\n"; } } if ($printed_1 == 0 && $printed_2 == 1) { foreach $pegs ( keys %{$main_hash{$val}{$type}} ) { next if ($pegs =~ /allnegativeflag/); @returnKeyT2 = split (/-/, $pegs); $pegName = shift @returnKeyT2; $finalStringT1 = join ("\|",$val,@returnKeyT2,${$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'Section1'}}[1],$pegName,$main_hash{$val}{$type}{$pegs}{'diff1'}); #print "$finalStringT1\n"; } } } } print Dumper [ %main_hash ]; ##################### # This function forms the Basic references, which is created using the Timestamp # for which the process goes # sub form_basic_reference # input : timestamp ##################### sub form_basic_reference { my $dateStr = shift; $Current0 = $dateStr; $Prev1 = create_reference( $dateStr , 'sub',15); $Prev2 = create_reference( $Prev1 , 'sub',15); $Current1 = create_reference( $dateStr , 'add',15); $Current2 = create_reference( $Current1 , 'add',15); $prev1 = substr($Prev1,8,4); $prev2 = substr($Prev2,8,4); $current0 = substr($Current0,8,4); $current1 = substr($Current1,8,4); $basic_references{$prev1. 'N'.'15'} = 'Section1'; $basic_references{$prev1. 'R'.'15'} = 'Section1'; $basic_references{$prev2. 'N'.'30'} = 'Section1'; $basic_references{$prev2. 'R'.'30'} = 'Section1'; $basic_references{$current0.'N'.'15'} = 'Section2'; $basic_references{$current0.'R'.'15'} = 'Section2'; $basic_references{$current0.'N'.'30'} = 'Section2'; $basic_references{$current0.'R'.'30'} = 'Section2'; $basic_references{$current1.'N'.'15'} = 'Section3'; $basic_references{$current1.'R'.'15'} = 'Section3'; } ##################### # This function forms the returns new timestamp based on the input timestamp # and the operation it takes as a parameter # sub create_reference # input : timestamp sub|add ##################### sub create_reference { my $dateStr = shift; my $operation = shift; my $interval = shift; #print "input :$dateStr:\n"; my $sec = 0; my ($year, $mth, $day, $hr, $min) = $dateStr =~ /^(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/; # Get seconds since the epoch, note months start from zero for # January to 11 for December. Add 15 minutes-worth of seconds. # my $timeVal = timelocal($sec, $min, $hr, $day, $mth - 1, $year); $timeVal += $interval * 60 if $operation eq 'add'; $timeVal -= $interval * 60 if $operation eq 'sub'; # Turn back in to separate parts, year, month etc. Note that # localtime() returns years since 1900. Construct a new date # string and return it. # my @timeParts = localtime($timeVal); my $newStr = $timeParts[5] + 1900 . sprintf("%02d", $timeParts[4] + 1) . sprintf("%02d", $timeParts[3]) . sprintf("%02d", $timeParts[2]) . sprintf("%02d", $timeParts[1]); return $newStr; } ##################### # This function returns the previous filename # by getting the current filename details # sub get_previous_filename # input : ##################### sub get_previous_filename { $temp1 = shift; $time_stamp = shift; $temp2 = shift; return $temp1.'.'.create_reference(create_reference($time_stamp,'sub'),'sub').'.'.$temp2; }