> less testme.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; package _Debug;{ our $Filename2Fields = 1; our $HaltOnError = 2; our $DEBUG_OPS = 3; our @EXPORT=qw( Debug $DEBUG_OPS $Filename2Fields $Halt_on_Error); use parent 'Exporter'; sub Debug($$) { my ($what, $str)=@_; if ($what & $DEBUG_OPS) { print STDERR $str; } } } package Transcode_plug;{ import _Debug; sub get_fieldAR_from_filename($) { my $file=$_[0]; Debug($Filename2Fields,"get_fieldAR_from_filename($file)\n"); } } Transcode_plug::get_fieldAR_from_filename('dummy'); # vim: ts=2 sw=2 Ishtar:/Audio/scripts> testme.pl Global symbol "$Filename2Fields" requires explicit package name at ./testme.pl line 16. Execution of ./testme.pl aborted due to compilation errors.