@echo off set drive=%~dp0 set drivep=%drive% If $#\#$==$#%drive:~-1%#$ set drivep=%drive:~0,-1% set PATH=%drivep%\perl\site\bin;%drivep%\perl\bin;%drivep%\c\bin;%PATH% rem env variables set TERM=dumb set PERL_JSON_BACKEND=JSON::XS set PERL_YAML_BACKEND=YAML rem avoid collisions with other perl stuff on your system set PERL5LIB= set PERL5OPT= set PERL_MM_OPT= set PERL_MB_OPT= echo ---------------------------------------------- echo Welcome to Strawberry Perl Portable Edition! echo * URL - http://www.strawberryperl.com/ echo * see README.portable.TXT for more info echo ---------------------------------------------- perl -e "printf("""Perl executable: %%s\nPerl version : %%vd\n""", $^X, $^V)" 2>nul if ERRORLEVEL==1 echo.&echo FATAL ERROR: 'perl' does not work; check if your strawberry pack is complete! echo. cmd /K