package Wild; require 5.005_62; use strict; use warnings; use File::DosGlob 'glob'; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. # This allows declaration use Wild ':all'; # If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK # will save memory. our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw(&WildARGV ); our $VERSION = '0.01'; # Preloaded methods go here. sub WildARGV { my $arg; my @newARGV; my @glob_args; my @xARGV; my $recurse; my $command; my $exclude; while (@ARGV) { $arg = pop (@ARGV); $recurse = ( $arg =~ /\!/ ) ? 1 : 0; $exclude = ( $arg =~ /\~/ ) ? 1 : 0; $command = ( $arg =~ /\@/ ) ? 1 : 0; $arg =~ s/[\~\@\!]//g; if ($command) { WildFILE( $arg, $exclude ); } elsif ($exclude) { push ( @xARGV, WildGLOB($arg) ); } elsif ($recurse) { if ($exclude) { push ( @xARGV, WildDIRFILES($arg) ); } else { push ( @newARGV, WildDIRFILES($arg) ); } } else { push ( @newARGV, WildGLOB($arg) ); } } push ( @ARGV, @newARGV ); foreach (@ARGV) { s|\/|\\|g; } if ($exclude) { foreach (@xARGV) { s|\/|\\|g; } ExcludeARGV(@xARGV); } } sub WildGLOB { my $arg = shift; my $spec = shift; $arg =~ s|\\|/|g; if ( $arg =~ / / ) { $arg = '"' . $arg . '"'; $arg =~ s/ /\\ /g; } my @glob_args = glob($arg); return @glob_args ? @glob_args : $arg; } sub WildFILE { my $filename = shift; my $exclude = shift; my @filenames; open( FILE, $filename ); while () { @filenames = split; if ($exclude) { @filenames = map( $_ =~ /\~/ ? $_ : '~' . $_, @filenames ); } push ( @ARGV, @filenames ); } close(FILE); } sub ExcludeARGV { my @b = @_; my %seen; my @aonly; @seen{@b} = (); foreach my $item (@ARGV) { push ( @aonly, $item ) unless exists $seen{$item}; } @ARGV = @aonly; } sub WildDIRFILES { my $spec = shift; my $path; my @dirlist; my @filelist; my $dir; $spec =~ s/\\/\//g; if ( $spec =~ /(.*[\\\/])(.*)/ ) { $path = $1; $spec = $2; } else { $path = './'; } @dirlist = rdirlist($path); while (@dirlist) { $dir = pop (@dirlist); push ( @filelist, glob( $dir . '/' . $spec ) ); } return @filelist; } sub rdirlist { my @list = shift; my $dir; my @rlist; while (@list) { push ( @rlist, $dir = pop (@list) ); push ( @list, dirlist($dir) ); } return @rlist; } sub dirlist { my $spec = shift; if ( !( $spec =~ /[\/\\]*\.\*$/ ) ) { $spec .= '/*.*'; } my @list = grep( -d $_, glob($spec) ); return @list; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Wild - Perl extension for improved program interface. Wild-card expansion for @ARGV. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Wild; =head1 DESCRIPTION Will handle DOS-style wild-card expansion of '*' and '?'. Additionally it introduces '@', '!', and '~' as filename prefixes with the following effects: '@' -- treat each line of the file as though it were a command line. '!' -- directory recursion operator. '~' -- exclusion operator. '~' creates an exclusionary list, a sort of negative @ARGV. As a last step in WildARGV(), the union of the two is removed from @ARGV. '!' forces lookups to be recursive. The allowed combinations of operators are: !~@ | ~!@ -- Recursion on, Exclusion on, applied to a command line list file. !~* | ~!* -- Recursion on, Exclusion on, applied to a file specification. !@ -- Recursion on, applied to a command line list file. ~@ -- Exclusion on, applied to a command line list file. ~* -- Exclusion on, applied to a file specification. !* -- Recursion on, applied to a file specification. The recursion operation consists of: 1. Get path to implied directory (i.e. either path to current directory or path as given). 2. Use remainder of specification as wild-card specification. 3. Find all relevant sub-directories and form new glob string (i.e. path + specification). 4. Append list of files (if any) to the appropriate argument vector. 5. Continue until all directories have been searched. Crudely speaking, this can be done by forming a list of all relevant directories first and then for each, find the necessary matching files. The first version will not use recursion, it will manage the task in normal linear fashion. =head2 EXPORT WildARGV =head2 EXAMPLE #!/perl/bin/perl -w # # -- WildARGV demonstration script. use strict; use diagnostics; use Getopt::Std; use Wild; my %OPT; printARGV("Initial state."); getopts('hx:',\%OPT); printARGV("After getopts()."); WildARGV(); printARGV("After WildARGV()."); sub printARGV{ my $s = shift; print "\@ARGV: $s\n"; foreach (0..$#ARGV) { print "ARGV[$_]=$ARGV[$_]\n"; } } =head2 BUGS Of course, though I try to be neat... =head1 AUTHOR B> =over =item Always: =item Sometimes: =back =cut