#!/usr/bin/perl #mini-cb60-fetch.pl use strict; use warnings; use vars qw/$VERSION/; use XML::Simple; use File::Path; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; use Getopt::Long; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use Data::Dumper; # This is free Software. # Released under the same terms as Perl. # Copyright Yves (demerphq) 2006 $VERSION=0.02; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->timeout(10); $ua->agent("Mini-CB60 $VERSION "); $ua->env_proxy; $|++; my ( $verbose, $lastid, $sleeptime )= (1, 0, 0); my $site_url= 'http://perlmonks.org/index.pl'; my $ticker_url= $site_url.'?node_id=207304;xmlstyle=modern'; (my $dir= $0) =~ s![^\\\/]+$!messages/!; my ($user,$pass)= ('',''); GetOptions( 'msgdir=s' => \$dir, 'verbose=i' => \$verbose, 'sleeptime=i' => \$sleeptime, 'lastid=i' => \$lastid, 'user=s' => \$user, 'pass=s' => \$pass, ) or die < 'login', node_id=> 109, # login user => $user, passwd => $pass, ticker =>'yes', displaytype=>'xml', xmlstyle=>'flat', ]; my $jar=HTTP::Cookies->new(file => "$0.cookies", autosave => 1); $ua->cookie_jar($jar); my $response=$ua->request($req); die "Failed to login\n",$response->as_string if ! $response->is_success; my $xml=XMLin( $response->content ); if (!$xml->{loggedin} || $xml->{loggedin}{username} ne $user ) { die "Failed to login." } print "Logged in as $_->{username} ($_->{user_id})\n" for $xml->{loggedin}; } elsif ( $user || $pass ) { die "Must have both a username and a password to log in\n"; } # cleanup the path for win32 users, just for aesthetic reasons $dir =~ s![\\\/]+!\\!g if $^O=~/Win32/; if ( ! -d $dir ) { mkpath $dir or die "Failed to create '$dir'"; } if ($verbose) { print "Base Url: '$site_url'\n"; print "Message directory is: '$dir'\n" } chdir $dir or die "Failed to chdir to '$dir':$!"; while ( 1 ) { # first we delete any old messages my $threshold= sprintf "%08x-%08x.msg",time() - 3600, 0; print "Threshold file is $threshold\n" if $verbose>1; my @files=sort glob "*.msg"; foreach my $f (@files) { print "Found $f\n" if $verbose>1; next if $f ge $threshold; print "Unlinking $f\n" if $verbose; unlink $f or warn "Failed to unlink '$f':$!"; } # and try to autodetect where we left off if this is the first run if ( ! $lastid && @files && -e $files[-1] ) { my ($t,$id)=split/[-.]/,$files[-1]; $lastid= hex($id) if $lastid < hex($id); } # and now we do the fetch my $url= $ticker_url; $url .= ";fromid=$lastid" if $lastid; print "Fetching from id $lastid\n" if $verbose>1; my $response= $ua->get($url); if (!$response->is_success) { print "Fetch '$url' failed!\n"; next; } # and now we process the results my $xml= XMLin( $response->content, ForceArray=>['message'] ); print Dumper($xml) if $verbose>2; my $msgs= $xml->{message}||[]; my $count= $xml->{info}{count}; $lastid= $xml->{info}{lastid} if $count; print "Got $count messages -- Last id: $lastid\n" if $verbose; next unless $count && $msgs && @$msgs; # each message is written as its own file. foreach my $msg (@$msgs) { my ($id,$epoch)= @{$msg}{qw(message_id createdepoch)}; my $authlink= sprintf '%s', $msg->{author_user},$msg->{author}; (my $text= $msg->{parsed})=~s{^/me(\s+.+)?$}{$authlink$1}; my $file= sprintf "%08x-%08x.msg",$epoch,$id; next if -e $file; open my $fh,">",$file or die "Failed to open '$file' for writing:$!"; print "writing $file\n" if $verbose; print $fh "0\n"; # version print $fh join "\n", "
$authlink    $msg->{createdgmtime} GMT
", "
", ""; close $fh; } } continue { exit(0) if $sleeptime <= 0; # exit out if this is a single pass print "sleeping for $sleeptime seconds....\n" if $verbose>1; sleep $sleeptime; }