use warnings; use strict; use Tk; # Fails under Activestate, when this is uncommented #use POE qw( Loop::TkActiveState ); use POE; use POE::Wheel::Run; POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => \&on_start, got_child_stdout => \&on_child_stdout, got_child_stderr => \&on_child_stderr, got_child_close => \&on_child_close, got_child_signal => \&on_child_signal, } ); POE::Kernel->run(); exit 0; sub on_start { my $child = POE::Wheel::Run->new( Program => 'dir', StdoutEvent => "got_child_stdout", StderrEvent => "got_child_stderr", CloseEvent => "got_child_close", ); $_[KERNEL]->sig_child($child->PID, "got_child_signal"); # Wheel events include the wheel's ID. $_[HEAP]{children_by_wid}{$child->ID} = $child; # Signal events include the process ID. $_[HEAP]{children_by_pid}{$child->PID} = $child; print( "Child pid ", $child->PID, " started as wheel ", $child->ID, ".\n" ); } # Wheel event, including the wheel's ID. sub on_child_stdout { my ($stdout_line, $wheel_id) = @_[ARG0, ARG1]; my $child = $_[HEAP]{children_by_wid}{$wheel_id}; print "pid ", $child->PID, " STDOUT: $stdout_line\n"; } # Wheel event, including the wheel's ID. sub on_child_stderr { my ($stderr_line, $wheel_id) = @_[ARG0, ARG1]; my $child = $_[HEAP]{children_by_wid}{$wheel_id}; print "pid ", $child->PID, " STDERR: $stderr_line\n"; } # Wheel event, including the wheel's ID. sub on_child_close { my $wheel_id = $_[ARG0]; my $child = delete $_[HEAP]{children_by_wid}{$wheel_id}; # May have been reaped by on_child_signal(). unless (defined $child) { print "wid $wheel_id closed all pipes.\n"; return; } print "pid ", $child->PID, " closed all pipes.\n"; delete $_[HEAP]{children_by_pid}{$child->PID}; } sub on_child_signal { print "pid $_[ARG1] exited with status $_[ARG2].\n"; my $child = delete $_[HEAP]{children_by_pid}{$_[ARG1]}; # May have been reaped by on_child_close(). return unless defined $child; delete $_[HEAP]{children_by_wid}{$child->ID}; }