#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; $word = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO"; ## Determining the number of 4-letter Fragments: $a = length($word); $four = 4; # Line 5 $frag_Num1 = $a / $four; $frag_Num = int $frag_Num1; print "Total Fragments= $frag_Num\n\n"; print "The 4-Letter Fragments are:\n\n"; $frag = 0; while ( $word =~ /(.{4}?)/igs ) # Line 10 { $frag++; $b = $&; $pos = $-[0] + 1; $leng = length($b); print "Fragment: $&; Fragment Number: $frag of length $leng letters Starting at position: $pos\n"; print "Its length= $leng Letters;\n\n"; # Line 15 $newlist = $leng; push @newarray, $newlist; } print "\n Newarray (should be 4 4 4): @newarray\n\n"; # Line 19 exit; __END__ Last line of output is now... Newarray (should be 4 4 4): 4 4 4