~/perl J-PC:J >./hello.pl Can't locate XML/LibXSLT.pm in @INC (@INC contains:... #### ~/perl J-PC:J >cpan App::cpanminus Sorry, we have to rerun the configuration dialog for CPAN.pm due to some missing parameters. Configuration will be written to <> CPAN.pm requires configuration, but most of it can be done automatically. If you answer 'no' below, you will enter an interactive dialog for each configuration option instead. Would you like to configure as much as possible automatically? [yes] yes #### Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip Press SPACE and ENTER to disable unzip