use strict; use warnings; my @x = qw( c d e f k l m n ); my @y = qw( 4 6 5 2 9 7 8 3 ); # Full sort method: --------------------------------------------------- my @sorted_idx = sort { $y[$a] <=> $y[$b] } 0 .. $#y; print "The five highest valued names:\n"; print_range( reverse @sorted_idx [ $#sorted_idx-4 .. $#sorted_idx ] ); print "The five lowest valued names:\n"; print_range( @sorted_idx[ 0 .. 4 ] ); # Partial sort method: ------------------------------------------------- use Sort::Key::Top qw( keytopsort ); print "The five highest valued names:\n"; print_range( reverse keytopsort { $y[$_] } -5 => 0 .. $#y ); print "The five lowest valued named:\n"; print_range( keytopsort { $y[$_] } 5 => 0 .. $#y ); # Helper sub: ---------------------------------------------------------- sub print_range { my @indices = @_; print "\t$x[$_] => $y[$_] at position $_\n" for @indices; } #### The five highest valued names: k => 9 at position 4 m => 8 at position 6 l => 7 at position 5 d => 6 at position 1 e => 5 at position 2 The five lowest valued names: f => 2 at position 3 n => 3 at position 7 c => 4 at position 0 e => 5 at position 2 d => 6 at position 1