#Start fork foreach my $xml_obj (@{$xml_ojects_ref}){ my $pid = fork(); if ($pid) { # parent push(@childs, $pid); $framework_child_procs{$pid} = 1; }elsif($pid == 0) { # child my $results = new testProcess($xml_obj,$fatherSN); #Test process is a new run exit 0; }else { print ,"couldnt fork: $!"; exit 1; } } #Wait for to end foreach my $child (@childs) { my $tmp = waitpid($child, 0); print "done with pid $tmp"; } #### $SIG{INT}=\&ctrl_c_handler; sub ctrl_c_handler { $SIG{'INT'}='IGNORE'; my @procs = keys (%{fatherProcess::framework_child_procs}); kill SIGUSR1 => @procs; foreach my $child (@procs) { my $tmp = waitpid($child, 0); } } #### my $t = threads->new (sub{ local $SIG{'USR1'}=sub {threads->exit();}; \&$functions_name(@parameters); }); my $result = $t->join();