package original; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = 0.01; my %Registered; sub import { my($class, $orig) = @_; my $pkg = caller; no strict 'refs'; *{"$pkg\::import"} = sub { return if exists $Registered{$pkg}; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {}; for my $method (__find_methods($pkg)) { next if $method eq 'import'; if (defined &{"$orig\::$method"}) { $Registered{$pkg}{$method} = \&{"$orig\::$method"}; } *{"$orig\::$method"} = \&{"$pkg\::$method"}; } }; *{"$pkg\::original"} = \&original; } sub __find_methods { my $class = shift; no strict 'refs'; my $globhash = "$class\::"; return grep { $globhash->{$_} and *{$globhash->{$_}}{CODE}; } keys %$globhash; } sub original { (my $meth = (caller(1))[3]) =~ s/.*:://; no strict 'refs'; goto &{"ORIGINAL::$meth"}; } package ORIGINAL; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); sub AUTOLOAD { my $pkg = caller; (my $meth = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; my $orig = $Registered{$pkg}{$meth}; goto &$orig; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME original - MixJuice in Perl =head1 SYNOPSIS package Animal; sub new { my($class, $hashref) = @_; bless {%$hashref}, $class; } package Animal::Speak; use original 'Animal'; sub speak { my $self = shift; return "My name is $self->{name}"; } package Animal::Dog; use original 'Animal'; sub bark { return 'bow wow'; } sub speak { my $self = shift; if ($self->{name} eq 'Snoopy') { return "Snoopy is $self->{name}"; } $self->ORIGINAL::speak(@_); # or $self->original(@_); } # Then, in a main script! use Animal; use Animal::Speak; my $spot = Animal->new({ name => 'Spot' }); print $spot->speak; # 'My name is Spot'; use Animal::Dog; my $snoopy = Animal->new({ name => 'Snoopy' }); print $snoopy->bark; # 'bow wow'; print $snoopy->speak; # 'Snoopy is Snoopy'; =head1 DESCRIPTION is a proof-of-concept implemetation of MixJuice, in Perl. See for details :) =head1 AUTHOR Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Emiyagawa@bulknews.netE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO, L, L, L =cut