<>!*''# waka waka bang splat tick tick hash ^@`$$- carat at back-tick dollar dollar dash *!'$_ splat bang tick dollar underscore %*<>#4 percent splat waka waka number four &)../ ampersand right-paren dot dot slash {~|**SYSTEM HALTED curly bracket tilde pipe splat splat crash #### ('$'=>'dollar', '@'=>'array'||'ary', '%'=>'hash'||'percent', '#'=>'hash', '!'=>'bang', '#!'=>'shebang', '&'=>'ampersand', '*'=>'star', '/'=>'slash', '\\'=>'back-slash', "'"=>'tick', '`'=>'back-tick', '"'=>'quote"||'quot', #not usually pronounced '~'=>'tilde', #long E '?'=>'question mark, #hook is cooler but it never occurs to me '|'=>'pipe', '['=>'left bracket', #These rarely need ']'=>'right bracket',#to be pronounced '{'=>'left curly(?: brace)', '}'=>'right curly(?: brace)', '<'=>'less than'||'waka', '>'=>'greater than'||'waka', ... #dot dot dot, in this case however yadda yadda yadda );