#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; package Foo; use Attribute::Handlers; use PadWalker qw(peek_my); use Data::Dumper; sub Field : ATTR(HASH) { my ($class, $symbol, $hash) = @_; if ($symbol eq 'LEXICAL') { my $level=0; while (eval {peek_my($level+1)} && !$@) {$level++}; print Dumper(peek_my($level)); } else { print "got %", *{$symbol}{NAME}, " from symbol table\n"; }; }; package FooBar; use base qw(Foo); my %just_to_prove_we_are_in_the_right_scope; print "about to call ATTR with \\%foo\n"; my %foo : Field; print "about to call ATTR with \\%bar\n"; my %bar : Field; #### about to call ATTR with \%foo $VAR1 = { '%just_to_prove_we_are_in_the_right_scope' => {} }; about to call ATTR with \%bar $VAR1 = { '%just_to_prove_we_are_in_the_right_scope' => {}, '%foo' => {} };