package cisco; use Net::Telnet; use Carp; sub new { my($class) = shift; my($self) = {}; my(%arg) = @_; my($ok); $self->{Timeout} = $arg{Timeout} || 10; $self->{Prompt} = $arg{Prompt} || undef(); $self->{Host} = $arg{Host} || undef(); $self->{Username} = $arg{Username} || undef(); $self->{Password} = $arg{Password} || undef(); if (!$arg{Prompt} && !$arg{Host}) { $self->{Error} = "Bad args (you did read the documentation didnt you?)"; return(0); } bless($self,$class); return($self); } sub connect { my($self) = shift;; my($net,$ok) = undef(); my($prompt) = "/$self->{Prompt}/"; $net = new Net::Telnet(Timeout=>$self->{Timeout}, Prompt=>'/$self->{Prompt}/'); $ok = $net->open($self->{Host}); if (!$ok) { $self->{Error} = "Problem with opening a network connection !"; return(0); } else { $self->{Net} = $net; } if ($self->{Username}) { $net->login(Name=>$self->{Username}, Password=>$self->{Password}, Prompt=>$prompt); } return($net); } sub send { my($self) = shift; my($command) = shift; my(@data); my($prompt) = $self->{Prompt}; my($net) = $self->{Net}; $net->print($command); while(<$net>) { if ($_ =~ /$prompt/) { last; } push(@data,$_); $net->print(" "); } return(@data); } sub errorstr { my($self) = shift; return($self->{Error}); } 1; #### #!/usr/bin/perl use cisco; $cis = new cisco(Host=>"", # router hostname Username=>"bob", # username (bob is good ) Password=>"bleh", # hehe Prompt=>"router>", # this is a common prompt Timeout=>10); # prolly wont need to touch this $r = $cis->connect; if (!$r) { print $cis->errorstr(),"\n"; exit(-1); } foreach($cis->send("show bridge")) { print $_; }