# Modified by larsen - Nov 17 2001 [% use Everything::Experience; return unless $NODE->{imgsrc}; my $SETTING = getNode('home node image cheaters','setting'); my $CHEATERS = getVars $SETTING; return unless isGod($NODE) or getLevel($NODE) >= 5 or $CHEATERS->{$NODE->{title}} or $CHEATERS->{$NODE->{node_id}}; return qq( ); %]
[% use Everything::Experience; if ($NODE->{imgsrc} and getLevel($NODE)<5 and !isGod($NODE)) return linkNodeTitle("I want my picture back|*"); return ""; %]
User since: [{parsetime:createtime}]
Last here: [{parsetime:lasttime}] ([{timesince:$NODE->{lasttime}}])
Experience: [% $NODE->{experience} || "none yet" %]
Level: [% use Everything::Experience; my $lvl = getLevel($NODE); my $LT = getVars(getNode('level titles', 'setting')); my %is_inquisitor = (); # larsen - Nov 17 2001 # Maybe an hash here is overkill. # Since there are only two Inquisitors, # a simple OR clause could be fine. foreach( qw|larsen OeufMayo| ) $is_inquisitor{ $_ }++; my $leveltitle; if ($is_inquisitor{ $NODE->{title} }) { $leveltitle = 'Inquisitor'; } else { $leveltitle=$LT->{$lvl}; } return $leveltitle . " ($lvl)"; %]
Writeups: [% my $count = htmlcode('displaySingleVar', 'numwriteups'); $count ||= 0; my $title = $NODE->{title}; $title =~ s/ /\+/g; "$count"; %]
Location: [{displaySingleVar:location}]
User's localtime: [% my $USERVARS = getVars($NODE); htmlcode('userlocaltime', $USERVARS->{timezone}); %]
User's scratchpad: [% # crazyinsomniac Sat Nov 3 00:39:08 2001 GMT my $USERVARS = getVars($NODE); if($$USERVARS{scratchpublic}) { return qq( this pad be public, scratch it); } else { return "not public"; } %]

[% use Everything::Experience; my $str; $str .= htmlcode('parselinks', 'doctext,override'); $str =~ s///igs unless(getLevel($NODE)>=5 or isGod($NODE)); $str =~ s/]*>.*?<\/script[^>]*>//igs if $$USER{jsoff}; $str; %]

[% if(getId($USER) == getId($NODE) and getId($USER) != $HTMLVARS{default_user}){ my $str .= "Change your " . linkNodeTitle("user settings") . "
"; $str .= linkNode($NODE, 'Edit', {displaytype => 'edit'}) . " your user information"; } %]