sub i_produce { my ($start, $count) = @_; for my $i ($start..$start+$count) { yield $i; }; }; sub i_two_columns { while (defined (my $i = produce)) { print $i; if (defined (my $j = produce)) { print "\t$j"; }; print "\n"; }; }; #### sub p_produce { my ($consumer, $start, $count) = @_; for my $i ($start..$start+$count) { $consumer->($i); }; }; { my $odd; sub p_two_columns { # aieeee - need to maintain state $odd = ($odd + 1)%2; }; }; #### { sub p_produce { my ($consumer, $_start, $_count) = @_; # aieee - need to maintain state: my $pos = $start; return sub { $pos < $start+$count ? $pos++ : undef }; }; }; sub i_two_columns { my ($produce) = p_produce(2,10); while (defined (my $i = $produce->())) { print $i; if (defined (my $j = $produce->())) { print "\t$j"; }; print "\n"; }; };