use Win32::API 0.20; # just for completeness... use constant SW_HIDE => 0; use constant SW_SHOWNORMAL => 1; # the API we need my $GetConsoleTitle = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'GetConsoleTitle', 'PN', 'N'); my $SetConsoleTitle = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'SetConsoleTitle', 'P', 'N'); my $FindWindow = new Win32::API('user32', 'FindWindow', 'PP', 'N'); my $ShowWindow = new Win32::API('user32', 'ShowWindow', 'NN', 'N'); # save the current console title my $old_title = " " x 1024; $GetConsoleTitle->Call( $old_title, 1024 ); # build up a new (fake) title my $title = "PERL-$$-".Win32::GetTickCount(); # sets our string as the console title $SetConsoleTitle->Call( $title ); # sleep 40 milliseconds to let Windows rename the window Win32::Sleep(40); # find the window by title $hw = $FindWindow->Call( 0, $title ); # restore the old title $SetConsoleTitle->Call( $old_title ); # hide the console! $ShowWindow->Call( $hw, SW_HIDE ); # sleep one second, then show the console again sleep(1); $ShowWindow->Call( $hw, SW_SHOWNORMAL );