#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Parse::CSV; my @list_of_fields = qw/ field1 field2 field3 field4 field5 field6 /; my $values = import_csv({ filename => '/tmp/vals.csv', fields => \@list_of_fields }); print "CSV Import complete...\n"; print Dumper( $values ); # {{{ import_csv # sub import_csv { my $args = shift; # die "No database handle provided for import...\n" unless defined $args->{dbh}; # die "No database table provided for import...\n" unless defined $args->{table}; die "No database columns provided for import...\n" unless defined $args->{fields}; # my $dbh = $args->{dbh}; my $table = ref $args->{table} eq 'ARRAY' ? $args->{table}->[0] : $args->{table} ; my $fields = $args->{fields} ? $args->{fields} : 'auto'; my $csv = Parse::CSV->new( file => $args->{filename}, fields => $fields, sep_char => '|', ); my $results = {}; while ( my $row = $csv->fetch ) { my @columns = @{ $fields }; # Make certain that the number of values returned is # equal to the number of columns we're expecting. # die "Invalid number of columns...\n" unless scalar @columns == scalar keys %{ $row }; # Creating placeholders this way so we'll always # have the exact right number of placeholders to # match the number of values in the columns list for # our sql statement. # # my @placeholders = map { '?' } @$columns; # my @values = map { $row->{$_} } sort @columns; # my $results = insert_row({ dbh => $dbh, # columns => \@columns, # table => $table, # 'values' => \@values, # }); $results->{ $row->{field1} }->{ $row->{field3} } = $row->{field5}; } return $results; } # }}} #### # perl /tmp/test-parsing.pl CSV Import complete... $VAR1 = { '200326951' => { 'rel_Access2' => '200315786', 'rel_Access1' => '200315786' } };