#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Beanstalk::Client; use Parallel::ForkManager; my $clnt = Beanstalk::Client->new({ server => '', debug => 1, }) || die "Cannot Connect to Queue Manager"; my $pmgr = Parallel::ForkManager->new(20); $pmgr->run_on_finish( sub { my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident) = @_; if ($clnt->delete($exit_code)) { print "Deleted Job $exit_code\n"; } else { print "Error Deleting Job $exit_code: " . $clnt->error . "\n"; } } ); $pmgr->run_on_start( sub { my ($pid, $ident) = @_; if ($clnt->bury($ident)) { print "Buried Job $ident\n"; } else { print "Error burying Job $ident: " . $clnt->error . "\n"; } } ); INFINITE_LOOP: while (1) { sleep 5; my $job = $clnt->reserve(); #blocks until a message is found in queue if (! $job) { print "Error Reserving - Possible Deadline Approaching: " . $clnt->error ."\n"; next INFINITE_LOOP; } print "Reserved Job " . $job->id . "\n"; $pmgr->start($job->id) and next; sleep 120; # Job work would go here $pmgr->finish($job->id); } exit;