perlcritic --harsh --statistics #### 1 files. 1 subroutines/methods. 8 statements. 14 lines, consisting of: 2 blank lines. 1 comment lines. 0 data lines. 11 lines of Perl code. 0 lines of POD. Average McCabe score of subroutines was 1.00. 17 violations. Violations per file was 17.000. Violations per statement was 2.125. Violations per line of code was 1.214. 6 severity 4 violations. 6 severity 2 violations. 5 severity 1 violations. 5 violations of CodeLayout::RequireConsistentNewlines. 1 violations of CodeLayout::RequireTidyCode. 1 violations of Compatibility::PerlMinimumVersionAndWhy. 1 violations of Editor::RequireEmacsFileVariables. 3 violations of InputOutput::RequireCheckedSyscalls. 3 violations of Miscellanea::RequireRcsKeywords. 1 violations of Modules::RequirePerlVersion. 1 violations of Modules::RequireVersionVar. 1 violations of Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn.