#!/usr/bin/perl -w #chart.pl use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI::Session; use Apache::Session::MySQL; use DBI; use Template; use 5.010; use rightplacedb; use webdb; use Data::Dumper; $| =1; print "content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $dbh = webdb::connect() or die "Cannot connect to database $@\n"; my $cookie; my %session; my $template; my $sess_id = cookie('CUSTOMER_ID'); print "session id : $sess_id
"; tie %session, "Apache::Session::MySQL",$sess_id, { Handle => $dbh, LockHandle => $dbh }; my $page = param('t_shirt'); my $id = param('id'); my $price = param('price'); given ($page) { when ($page eq 'add_to_chart') { if (exists $session{$id}) { # update the quanity of the items $session{'$id'}{'price'} = $price; } else { $session{$id} = $id; $session{'$id'}{'price'} = $price; } print "
check the price $session{'$id'}{'price'}"; print "
the : $session{'item_code'}"; my $array = $session{'item_code'}; my @selected_item = @$array; push(@selected_item,$id); print "
before database : @selected_item
"; $session{'item_code'} = \@selected_item; print "
the : $session{'item_code'}"; my $bag_id = $session{'item_code'}; print "
my bag contains : @$bag_id
"; $template = '/home/romy/public_html/rightplace/template/src/mybag.html'; $dbh->disconnect(); } default { $template = '/home/romy/public_html/rightplace/template/src/entry.html'; } } untie(%session); my $vars = { position => $id, Brands => $price, }; my $tt = Template->new ({ INCLUDE_PATH => [ '/home/romy/public_html/rightplace/template/src/', '/home/romy/public_html/rightplace/template/lib/', ], WRAPPER => 'wrapper', ABSOLUTE => 1, RELATIVE => 1, }); $tt->process($template,$vars)|| die "Failed to execute the template $tt->error() \n";