Global symbol "%mat_lab" requires explicit package name at ./ line 41. Global symbol "%mat_lab" requires explicit package name at ./ line 43. Global symbol "%mat" requires explicit package name at ./ line 66. Global symbol "%t" requires explicit package name at ./ line 80. Global symbol "%ort" requires explicit package name at ./ line 94. Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors. #### #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Cwd; ########################################################################################### # GUI Building ########################################################################################### # make the selections available to the print_input_values sub my %t; my %mat; my %ort; my %mat_lab; # Create Main Window my $mw = new MainWindow; my $lam_num; my $row=1; my $column=1; my $lam_mat_frm = $mw -> Frame(); $lam_mat_frm->grid(-row=>$row, -column=>$column,-columnspan=>6); my $lam_num_lab = $lam_mat_frm -> Label(-text=>"Input the number of plies in the laminate.", -font=>"ansi 10 bold"); $lam_num_lab->grid(-row=>$row, -column=>$column); $column++; my $lam_num_ent = $lam_mat_frm -> Entry(-textvariable=> \$lam_num); $lam_num_ent->grid(-row=>$row, -column=>$column); $column++; my $lam_data_button = $lam_mat_frm->Button(-text=>"Input Laminate Data", -command=> \&input_lam_data); $lam_data_button->grid(-row=>$row, -column=>$column); MainLoop; sub input_lam_data { $row=4; $column=2; my @lam_mat_t_lab = ( 'Material', 'Thickness', 'Orientation', ); my $n = 1; for my $label (@lam_mat_t_lab) { $mat_lab{$n} = $lam_mat_frm -> Label (-text=> $label, -font=>"ansi 8 bold"); $mat_lab{$n}->grid(-row=>$row, -column=>$column); $column=$column+1; }; my %ply_lab; $n = 1; $row=5; do { $column = 1; $ply_lab{$n} = $lam_mat_frm -> Label (-text=>"Ply $n", -font=>"ansi 8 bold"); $ply_lab{$n}->grid(-row=>$row,-column=>$column); $row = $row+1; $n = $n+1; } until ($n == $lam_num+1); # Create Material Optionmenus my @mats = ("PW","8HS","Tape"); my %mat_optmen; $n = 1; $row=5; $column=2; do { $mat_optmen{$n} = $lam_mat_frm -> Optionmenu(-options => \@mats, -variable => \$mat{$n}); $mat_optmen{$n}->grid(-row=>$row,-column=>$column); $row=$row+1; $n = $n + 1; } until ($n == $lam_num+1); # Create Thickness Optionmenus my @ts = ("0.0077","0.0147","0.0054"); my %t_optmen; $n = 1; $row=5; $column=3; do { $t_optmen{$n} = $lam_mat_frm -> Optionmenu(-options => \@ts, -variable => \$t{$n}); $t_optmen{$n}->grid(-row=>$row,-column=>$column); $row=$row+1; $n = $n + 1; } until ($n == $lam_num+1); # Create Orientation Optionmenus my @orts = ("-45","0","45","90"); my %ort_optmen; $n = 1; $row=5; $column=4; do { $ort_optmen{$n} = $lam_mat_frm -> Optionmenu(-options => \@orts, -variable => \$ort{$n}); $ort_optmen{$n}->grid(-row=>$row,-column=>$column); $row=$row+1; $n = $n + 1; } until ($n == $lam_num+1); my $print_button = $lam_mat_frm->Button(-text=>"Print BJSFM Input File", -command=> \&print_input_file); $print_button->grid(-row=>$row,-column=>1); } sub print_input_file { print "$lam_num\n"; my @values; foreach my $n (1.. ($lam_num) ){ push @values, $mat{$n}; push @values, $t{$n}; push @values, $ort{$n}; } print join ",", @values,"\n"; }