#!/usr/bin/perl # checkportopening.pl use strict; use LWP::Simple; use URI::Escape; #### # MEncoder location my $mencoder = "c:\\mplayer\mencoder.exe"; #### # Get the Port URL print "paste in a URL and Press Enter. \n% "; my $url = ; # Scrape the page my $response = get($url); #### # find the video file While ($response =~ m!videoURL\u003d(.*?)\\"!gis) { my $videoURL = $1; $videoURL = uri_unescape($videoURL); $videoURl =~ s!\\u003d!=!gs; # Find the site filename #### # make sure downloaded file is there if (-e $filename) { # change the extension my $newfilename = $filename; $newfilename =~ s!flv!avi!gis; print "Converting to $newfilename...\n"; # use MEncoder to convert to another file (rename intruder's site)