#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Coro qw( async ); use IO::Socket::INET qw( ); sub _read { my $rv = read($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3]||0); die("Read error\n") if !defined($rv); return if !$rv; die("Premature end of file\n") if $rv != $_[1]; } sub client { my ($sock) = @_; my $host = $client->peerhost; print "[Accepted connection from $host]\n"; if (defined(eval { for (;;) { _read($sock, 8, my $buf = '') or last; my $length = 0+$buf or next; _read($sock, $length, my $msg = '') or die("Premature end of file\n"); print "$host said '$msg'\n"; } })) { print "[Connection from $host terminated]\n"; } else { print "[Connection from $host terminated: $@]\n"; } } my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new( ... ) or die("Couldn't create server socket: $!\n"); async(\&client, $server->accept) while 1;