in reply to Re^2: Can I from within a module access variables from the calling program?
in thread Can I from within a module access variables from the calling program?

Hi Anonymous Monk,

Thank you for your answer, it seems to fix my issue, but I'm afraid I don't understand it quite well :(

package Log::Log4perl::Appender::HJOfilnamed; use parent qw[ Log::Log4perl::Appender::File ];

Are you creating and entire module juste for the purpose of logging ? I mean, that's a good idea, I must admit it never accured to me that I could do so... And the use parent, what is it doing precisely please ?

If I understand quite well, you are creating an object to create a new name at every launch of the main script ? And you are calling it at the intialization of the logger ? Does this allows me to have the exact same logfile name for my script and its module ? (I mean, even if there's a delay of about a second between the two initializatons)

And thanks for the way you are naming your file, basically I use the same, but I'll stick to my method, it seems rather complicated the way you do it, at least to complicate for me...