in reply to How best to strip text from a file?

Consider the following:

use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my %hash; while (<DATA>) { $hash{orderID} //= do { /Order ID:(\S+)/; $1 }; $hash{fiscalCycle} //= do { /cycle:(\d+)/; $1 }; $hash{vendorID} //= do { /Vendor ID:(\S+)/; $1 }; $hash{requisitionNum} //= do { /\s+(\d+).+requisition/; $1 }; $hash{copies} //= do { /copies:(\d+)/; $1 }; $hash{title} //= do { /Title:(.+)/; $1 }; $hash{'ISBN/ISSN'} //= do { m{ISBN/ISSN:(\S+)}; $1 }; if (/Distribution--/) { my $oldDelim = $/; local $/ = 'Distribution--'; while (<DATA>) { my %tempHash; ( $tempHash{holdingCode} ) = /code:(\S+)/; ( $tempHash{copies} ) = /copies:(\d+)/; ( $tempHash{dateReceived} ) = /received:(\S+)/; ( $tempHash{dateLoaded} ) = /loaded:(\S+)/; push @{ $hash{distribution} }, \%tempHash; } $/ = $oldDelim; } } print Dumper \%hash; __DATA__ List of Distributions + + Produced Tuesday, 9 October, 2012 at 1:38 PM + Order ID:PO-9999 fiscal cycle:21112 Vendor ID:VEND99 order type:SUBSCRIPT 15) requisition number: copies:9 call number:XX(9999999.999) ISBN/ISSN:9999-999X Title:Item title here. ISSN:9999-999X Publication info:More text here about stuff Distribution-- packing list:STUFF-I-DONT-NEED-999 holding code:CODEINFO1 copies:1 date received:27/6/2012 date lo +aded:27/6/2012 Distribution-- packing list:STUFF-I-DONT-NEED-999 holding code:CODEINFO3 copies:2 date received:27/9/2012 date lo +aded:27/6/2012 Distribution-- packing list:STUFF-I-DONT-NEED-999 holding code:CODEINFO2 copies:1 date received:25/8/2012 date lo +aded:27/6/2012

Dumper output of %hash:

$VAR1 = { 'vendorID' => 'VEND99', 'copies' => '9', 'fiscalCycle' => '21112', 'distribution' => [ { 'dateLoaded' => '27/6/2012', 'dateReceived' => '27/6/2012', 'copies' => '1', 'holdingCode' => 'CODEINFO1' }, { 'dateLoaded' => '27/6/2012', 'dateReceived' => '27/9/2012', 'copies' => '2', 'holdingCode' => 'CODEINFO3' }, { 'dateLoaded' => '27/6/2012', 'dateReceived' => '25/8/2012', 'copies' => '1', 'holdingCode' => 'CODEINFO2' } ], 'ISBN/ISSN' => '9999-999X', 'title' => 'Item title here.', 'orderID' => 'PO-9999', 'requisitionNum' => '15' };

This reads a line at a time of data, using defined-or-equals and a regex to set hash values when a match occurs. Since there are multiple distributions, the file input separator is temporarily set to 'Distribution--' when the first distribution is detected, so distribution chunks can be processed all at once. $hash{distribution} pairs to an array of hashes--one for each distribution record.

Perhaps you can set the file input separator so you read in one order at a time, process it with the above, and then write the contents of %hash to an Excel spreadsheet.

Hope this helps!