in reply to One Liner, print multiple regex matches

Add quotes around $1 and $2:
perl -nle ' print "$1 $2" if /name=(\w+).*age=(\d+)/' filename

warnings can also be used with one-liners to help you debug:

perl -nlew ' print $1 $2 if /name=(\w+).*age=(\d+)/' filename Can't open print $1 $2 if /name=(\w+).*age=(\d+)/: No such file or di +rectory.

Please update your post to add "code" tags around your input file data.

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Re^2: One Liner, print multiple regex matches
by cipher (Acolyte) on Nov 16, 2012 at 22:24 UTC
    Thank's It worked!

    I simply added the quotes and its showing data for both regex matches.

    Working code:
    perl -nle ' print "$1$2" if /name=(\w+).*age=(\d+)/' filename