in reply to CTRL+C Handling in Perl Threads

If you have this trouble on windows, Please refer ctrl + c on Win32 (signal handling). Regards.

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Re^2: CTRL+C Handling in Perl Threads
by anshumangoyal (Scribe) on Nov 27, 2012 at 10:19 UTC
    I am using this in Linux/Unix. So Windows is not an issue for me. Can you help me in Unix. Here is my updated sample code:
    use strict; use threads; no warnings 'threads'; our @ThreadsArr; $SIG{INT} = \&INT_HANDLER; $| = 1; sub INT_HANDLER { print "Received Interrupt. Stopping Main Program\n"; } for (my $ii = 0; $ii < 10; $ii++) { my $Thread = threads->new( "Thread_SUB", $ii ); push (@ThreadsArr, $Thread); } foreach (@ThreadsArr) { $_->join(); } sub Thread_SUB { my $thread_id = shift; $SIG{'KILL'} = sub { print "Killing Thread $thread_id\n"; threads->exit(); }; for (my $ii = 0; $ii <= 15; $ii++) { print "$thread_id - Sleeping $ii\n"; sleep 1; } }
    This program is not acknowledging the interrupts when sent as ctrl+c

      I am working on FreeBSD.

      First example showed me SIG_INT message with correcting a few typo. This time also shows me message like

      0 - Sleeping 14
      ^CReceived Interrupt. Stopping Main Program   <==pressed ctrl+c
      I wonder why?

      Could you send SIG INT from another terminal? I mean by kill command.