Vijay81 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi All,

Am trying to read directory/subdirectories and for files from a path recursively. Once file found in any directory, reading file content(usually just 1 line in a file) and substituting space with comma from the line. then I need to pass the values to another sub functions.

Problem : 1. line number 35 doesn't seems to be working. when i try to print $line, it doesn't show anything/value. 2. Need to pass @columns/@filenames/@dir_names to the sub function(&write_output) called in line number 46.

Can someone tell me where am doing wrong and help me out

I need to know is there any tool/utlity for Windows XP where in which in can run the perl script line by line debugging mode so, that i can see what's happen to the variables during run time.

Many Thanks...
#! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use File::Find; use File::Basename; my $base_dir = 'C:\Perl\TestData'; my (@columns,@dirs,@buf,@dir_names,@filenames); my ($dir,$file,$resultxmlfile,$line,$fh); $line=''; sub process_files { print "dive into: $_[0]\n"; opendir DIR, $_[0] or die "Could not open directory"; print $_[0]; print "\n"; @dirs = readdir DIR; closedir DIR; foreach $file (@dirs) { if ($file =~ /\.{1,2}/) {next } print "processing: $file\n"; if ( -d "$_[0]/$file" ) { process_files ("$_[0]/$file"); push(@dir_names, basename($file)); print @dir_names; print "\n"; foreach my $file (@dirs){ print $file; next if $file eq '.' or $file eq '..'; print "\n"; open (FILE, "<", $file) or die "Could not open file -- $_[0] +/$file"; @buf = <FILE>; foreach $line (@buf) { $line = <FILE>; # this line doesn't work. don't know w +hat's wrong here.. $line=~ s/ /,/g; print $line; push(@columns,$line); print @columns; print "\n"; $file =~ s/.*\///; $file =~ s/\.[^.]+$//; push(@filenames, $file); print @filenames; } &write_output; # need to pass @columns/@filenames/@dir +_names values to this function close FILE; } } } } process_files $base_dir;