reaper9187 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi every one ...
I'm using perl Tk and i'm having problems with setting the scrollbars.... I need to use two scrollbars,... The following code only enables the vertical scroller while the horizontal scrollbar is not created .. How can i do that ??
#!/usr/local/bin/perl use Tk; my $mw = new MainWindow; # Main Window my $frm_name = $mw -> Frame(); my $lab = $frm_name -> Label(-text=>"Name:"); my $ent = $frm_name -> Entry(); my $but = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Push Me", -command =>\&push_button); my $textarea = $mw -> Frame(); #Creating Another Frame my $txt = $textarea -> Text(-width=>40, -height=>10); my $srl_y = $textarea -> Scrollbar(-orient=>'v',-command=>[yview => $t +xt]); my $srl_x = $textarea -> Scrollbar(-orient=>'h',-command=>[xview => $t +xt]); $txt -> configure(-yscrollcommand=>['set', $srl_y], -xscrollcommand=>['set',$srl_x]); $lab -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $ent -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>2); $frm_name -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $but -> grid(-row=>4,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); $txt -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>1); $srl_y -> grid(-row=>1,-column=>2,-sticky=>"ns"); $srl_x -> grid(-row=>2,-column=>1,-sticky=>"ew"); $textarea -> grid(-row=>5,-column=>1,-columnspan=>2); MainLoop; #This function will be executed when the button is pushed sub push_button { my $name = $ent -> get(); $txt -> insert('end',"Hello, $name."); }