in reply to Re^2: Problem with uploaded (http) files with File::MMagic
in thread Problem with uploaded (http) files with File::MMagic

Well it's a good thing you didn't show us the contents of line 271 of your /usr/share/file/magic.mime file. Otherwise we might have a clue to the problem. We wouldn't want that, would we?

On a more serious note, I briefly looked over my local /usr/share/file/magic.mime file and didn't see anything particularly different in the region of line 271, but at line 303 in mine, I have the line:

#0 regex BEGIN[[:space:]]*[{] application/x-awk

and at line 640:

0 regex [Cc]onstant[[:space:]]+[Ss]tory text/x-inform

Those are the only two lines mentioning 'regex' in my file. Perhaps you could make a copy of your file and remove the regex lines and see if it works?


When your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like your thumb.