in reply to Colspan in PDF Help!

Until you find a proper solution, maybe a crude hack will do.


['Primary Info','','','',],


['Primary Info','col$span','col$span','col$span',],

and similarly for the other lines you wish to "fix". (Obviously, you could use any other string in the place of 'col$span', as long as it won't appear naturally.)

Then make a new rule for 'col$span' to make the text the same color as the background:

} elsif ($cell eq 'col$span') { $cell_props->[$j]->[$k] = { font => $pdf->corefont("Helvetica", -encoding => "utf8"), font_size => 1, background_color => '#FFCA00', # font_color => '#FFCA00', # }; }

Not sure if the Total is exactly what you wanted but the others seem like what you want, even if it is cheating a bit.