in reply to perl can find the file but can not open the file

Please, show the actual error message. There should be a colon and an additional text. Also, the name of the file probably has not lost the "complete_" part.

Update: Single quotes do not interpolate. Use double quotes if you want a variable to be expanded.

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  • Comment on Re: perl can find the file but can not open the file

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Re^2: perl can find the file but can not open the file
by ShermW0829 (Sexton) on Mar 09, 2013 at 19:00 UTC

    Thank you. I have updated the messages to reflect the correct output. I have tried without success to copy from the terminal to this web page so I have just been typing in the code information and I do make mistakes when I do that. I did that in my last post as well. With my apologies; Sherman