in reply to Re: Thread implementation for Win32::GUI
in thread Thread implementation for Win32::GUI

Please find below code. When i am running it window is freezing. i want to implement thread to not to freeze UI while background process is going on.
use strict; use warnings; use Net::Telnet; use Win32::API; use Win32::GUI(); my $main = Win32::GUI::Window->new( -name => 'Main', -width => 500, -height => 900, -text => 'Perl', -minsize => 500, 900, ); my $font = Win32::GUI::Font->new( -name => "Comic Sans MS", -size => 8 +,); $main->AddLabel(-text => "Welcome ", -pos => [ 10, 10 ],); $main->AddLabel(-text => "Enter Host Name / IP : ", -pos => [ 10, 33 +], ); my $t= $main->AddTextfield( -name => 'tfResults', -text => "", -pos = +> [ 125, 30 ], -size => [ 100, 25 ], -tabstop => 1, ); my $my_but = $main->AddButton(-text => "Submit",-name => 'btQuery', -p +os => [ 235, 30 ],-size => [ 50, 25 ],); $main->Show(); Win32::GUI::Dialog(); sub btQuery_Click { my $txt1=$t->Text; my $telnet = new Net::Telnet ( Timeout=>1800, Errmode=>'die', + ); chomp $txt1; $telnet->open($txt1); $telnet->waitfor('/login: $/i'); $telnet->print('root'); $telnet->waitfor('/Password: $/i'); $telnet->print('dangerous'); $telnet->waitfor('/# $/i'); print "\nConnected to host :$txt1 "; $main->AddLabel(-text => " Enter custom cmd:",-pos => 100, 100 ,-siz +e => 250, 125 ,); my $t1= $main->AddTextfield(-name => 'tfResults2',-text => "",-pos = +> 130, 100 ,-size => 100, 25 ,); my $submit=$main->AddButton(-text => "Submit",-name => 'Unix_submit' +,-pos => 250, 100 ,-size => 50, 25 ,); sub Unix_submit_Click { } }