in reply to Perl Critic and a formatting question.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Do not run perlcritic in brutal mode. What's the prize?

Jokes aside:

If you run perlcritic with --verbose 10, it will give you some explanation:
Code is not tidy at line 1, column 1. CodeLayout::RequireTidyCode (Severity: 1) Conway does make specific recommendations for whitespace and curly-braces in your code, but the most important thing is to adop +t a consistent layout, regardless of the specifics. And the easiest wa +y to do that is to use Perl::Tidy. This policy will complain if you're +code hasn't been run through Perl::Tidy.

If you run perltidy on the code, you will get two more spaces after $VERSION and the complaint will disappear. Go figure.

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Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: Perl Critic and a formatting question.
by Anonymous Monk on Apr 29, 2013 at 08:50 UTC
    Hi choroba.


    I should have seen that minor fix but fatigue is the culprit (1:48am here).

    P.S: I hope my rudimentary knowledge of Czech was correct and displayed properly in your browser.

Re^2: Perl Critic and a formatting question.
by B-Man (Acolyte) on Apr 30, 2013 at 17:38 UTC

    Oh. I see what the complaint is about and why it disappears! Take a look at these two lines of code:

    our @EXPORT_OK = qw/&greet/; our $VERSION = '0.1';

    The assignment operators (=) don't line up. When perltidy adds the spaces, it's creating whitespace that aligns those operators.

    our @EXPORT_OK = qw/&greet/; our $VERSION = '0.1';

    Now the the code is tidy and the assignment operators are aligned, perlcritic stops complaining.