in reply to simple perl regex question (or is it?)

#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.016; use warnings; #1061936 my $str = q!AND (random text) AND (more random text) AND (yet more)!; my $str2 = q!OR (random text) OR (more random text) OR (yet more)!; while ( $str =~ /(AND )(\(.*\))?( AND|$)/ig ) { say $2; } while ( $str2 =~ /(OR )(\(.*\))?( OR|$)/ig ) { say "Rowing: $2"; } =head C:\>D:\ (random text) AND (more random text) AND (yet more) Rowing: (random text) OR (more random text) OR (yet more) =cut

Combining the regexen into a single regex left as a learning opportunity for OP.... except that whilst I posted this, LanX has taken care of the matter. :-(

As to the paren problem, run this after modifying a string with nested parens; then see regex docs re escaping.

Last para is an afterthought/update.