grifhis has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello! I have problems with Web Service "Soap Lite". I need to have a soap lite server compatible with Soap client c sharp. But the client has null response. In the server prompt i see the request (from c sharp) and the response (from perl) and it seems correct but i found no response in the client. I see the xml response and request, they are different in the xml tags, is there a way to manipulate the perl response so i can send a "soap xml" with different tags? here is my code:

use strict; use warnings; system("color 1e"); use SOAP::Lite + trace => 'all'; #use SOAP::Lite; #use SOAP::Schema::WSDL; my $IP = ''; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------------- # parametr my $input = 'invio di test...'; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +------ # service... my $client = SOAP::Lite ->service("http://$IP/eCHS/html/SERVICE/e-serv +ice.wsdl"); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +------ # QUERY per eCHS.... my $result = $client->test_query( $input ); + # query 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +------ # PROMPT print "---------------------------------------"; print "\n [ Web Service Client - eCHS]\n"; print "---------------------------------------\n"; print "\n\n> result: ".$result; # float print "\n\n\n\n"; system("pause"); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +----- exit;

here is the c sharp client:

// SERVICE REFERENCE-SPECIFIC CODE MyService.FUNCTIONPortClient soapClient = new MyService.FUNCTIONPortC +lient (); result = soapClient.test_query("test from c# ! "); try { this.output.Text = "Querying the Web Service... answer: " + + result; } catch (Exception error) { this.output.Text = error.Message; }

of course i used "service reference" in c sharp.. any suggestion is appreciated...