in reply to Re: simple regex (again)
in thread simple regex (again)

That's not the all of it, I have reformatted the original question (see below) - and I still am feeling unsure what it is the original post actually wants...
And there appears to be numerous other helpful suggestions to improve the code.

I would suggest that the original poster tried SEARCHING the site to look for some relevant answers, and avoid a lot more RTFM answers...



This works fine for outputing to file, however, still unable to assign to array without opening the output afterwards.
Would be good if I could set overall match to array at the same time as sending to output.

#!perl.exe my $filename="e:\test.out.txt"; my $output="e:\out.txt"; sub body { if (-r $filename) { open(FILE,"<$filename"); open(OUTPUT, "> $output"); while() { chomp; if (/Datasource:/) { print OUTPUT "\n", $_; } if (/Passed:/) { $section="passed"; next; } elsif (/Failed:/) { $section="failed"; print OUTPUT "\n",$_; next; } elsif (/Exception:/) { $section="except"; print OUTPUT "\n",$_; next; } if ($section ne "passed") { if (/(test\.)|(Summary:)/) { print OUTPUT "\n",$_; } } } close(FILE); close(OUTPUT); } else { print("cant read file ",$filename,"\n"); } }

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