in reply to Coding superstitions

What do you do at the end of a sub?
sub Hello { "I am a sub"; }
I hate that. Nothing particularly wrong with it, it's valid perl, except that I hate it. The following is more to my liking
sub Hello { return "No! *I* am a sub."; }
Hashkeys are a little more forgiving, because how often are you really going to have s p a c e s =>in between, or some such nonsense like others have pointed out, but as with my example above, I'll take being explicit any time over being implicit. I also like to do the following (mainly for visual effect):
$fooBar->Fooz( 'abc'    => 1,
               'aa0ec'  => 221,
               'abae'   => 12,
               'aecadf' => 145,
             ,)->pack( 'ab' => 11,
                       'cd' => 22,

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
perl -e "$q=$_;map({chr unpack qq;H*;,$_}split(q;;,q*H*));print;$q/$q;"