in reply to Web Security

I went on a course one time. It classified people into four general categories:
  1. Unconsciously Incompetent
  2. Consciously Incompetent
  3. Unconsciously Competent
  4. Consciously Competent.

It strikes me that the original programmer may have been point 1. However the new programmer after instruction from an experienced programmer may be point 2 and heading toward point 4.

What is interesting to me, is that if a website is a very high profile website then the management around the webiste may be in the point 1 mark also.

I 1st had to learn perl in order to build a public website that would be high profile within $MY_ISP. Before building the website, I consulted unix admin on the aspects of the server security, and did quite a bit of research on the aspects of building a secure website.

I guess this is interesting to me because i dont understand why people dont do some research into areas that a) they may be novice in and b) there is bound to be lots of information out there on said topic.

This is espeically "interesting" if there is a potential for serious consequences.

Not too much of a point in the rambling, save that I personally dont understand why people go into projects where the element of risk is high (due to experience and environment) unprepared.

Its just not rocket science to have a google and its inexcusable not to.