This is a lil perl module I wrote to talk to cisco's.
Some of you guys out there could prolly write better (or just tell me how horrible my code is)
But Iam bored and felt like posting my code.

the pm ...
package cisco; use Net::Telnet; use Carp; sub new { my($class) = shift; my($self) = {}; my(%arg) = @_; my($ok); $self->{Timeout} = $arg{Timeout} || 10; $self->{Prompt} = $arg{Prompt} || undef(); $self->{Host} = $arg{Host} || undef(); $self->{Username} = $arg{Username} || undef(); $self->{Password} = $arg{Password} || undef(); if (!$arg{Prompt} && !$arg{Host}) { $self->{Error} = "Bad args (you did read the documentation didnt y +ou?)"; return(0); } bless($self,$class); return($self); } sub connect { my($self) = shift;; my($net,$ok) = undef(); my($prompt) = "/$self->{Prompt}/"; $net = new Net::Telnet(Timeout=>$self->{Timeout}, Prompt=>'/$self->{Prompt}/'); $ok = $net->open($self->{Host}); if (!$ok) { $self->{Error} = "Problem with opening a network connection !"; return(0); } else { $self->{Net} = $net; } if ($self->{Username}) { $net->login(Name=>$self->{Username}, Password=>$self->{Password}, Prompt=>$prompt); } return($net); } sub send { my($self) = shift; my($command) = shift; my(@data); my($prompt) = $self->{Prompt}; my($net) = $self->{Net}; $net->print($command); while(<$net>) { if ($_ =~ /$prompt/) { last; } push(@data,$_); $net->print(" "); } return(@data); } sub errorstr { my($self) = shift; return($self->{Error}); } 1;
and the example script ...
#!/usr/bin/perl use cisco; $cis = new cisco(Host=>"", # router hostname Username=>"bob", # username (bob is good ) Password=>"bleh", # hehe Prompt=>"router>", # this is a common prompt Timeout=>10); # prolly wont need to touch this $r = $cis->connect; if (!$r) { print $cis->errorstr(),"\n"; exit(-1); } foreach($cis->send("show bridge")) { print $_; }