in reply to B::Deobfuscate - Deobfuscates symbol names

New version 0.03. This adds configuration file support, symbol renaming table dumping and better known-perl-keyword support.

Example configuration file: (run on the Stunnix Perl-obfus sampe output)

$ perl -MO=Deobfuscate,-d/usr/share/dict/propernames,-m/\(?:\)/,-y /ho +me/josh/bin/ dictionary: '/usr/share/dict/propernames' global_regex: '(?:)' globals: File::Temp::tempfile: Triantaphyllos catfile: Christopher opt_n: Sundaresan opt_t: Konstantinos opt_u: Rathnakumar z1387c3e117: Vidhyanath z3d52c17699: Srinivasan z6a703c020a: Slartibartfast z8374cc586e: Ravindranath z9101bb5154: Tiefenthal zf9d3fbdfa8: Pratapwant lexicals: '$z1dfa4cd057': '$ti' '$z5a5fa8125d': '$ji' '$z5da4d3837d': '$al' '$z5f7e4d50b8': '$ami' '$z7d70dd4ea9': '$alf' '$z8348550157': '$po' '$z9e5935eea4': '$hy' '$zbea0aee021': '$ro' '$zc11e41b4ef': '$ed' '$zcc158ad3e0': '$no'