in reply to Re: Zipcode Proximity script
in thread Zipcode Proximity script

Here's a way to do all that prefiltering people keep mentioning: First, some helper procedures:
use constant EARTH_RADIUS => 3956; use constant PI => 4 * atan2 1, 1; sub make_quick_reject { # Args: lat (radians), long (radians), dist my($lat,$long,$dist) = @_; my($distcos) = cos($dist / EARTH_RADIUS); my($maxlatdiff) = atan2(sqrt(1 - ($distcos * $distcos)), $distcos); if (abs($lat) + $maxlatdiff > PI/2) { # special case - near poles return sub { abs($lat - $_[0]) > $maxlatdiff; }; } my($longmult); $longmult = 1 / cos(abs($lat) + $maxlatdiff); my($maxlongdiff) = $maxlatdiff * $longmult; return sub { abs($lat - $_[0]) > $maxlatdiff or abs($long - $_[1]) > + $maxlongdiff; } } sub make_quick_accept { # Args: lat (radians), long (radians), dist my($lat,$long,$dist) = @_; my($distcos) = cos($dist / EARTH_RADIUS); my($maxlatdiff) = atan2(sqrt(1 - ($distcos * $distcos)), $distcos) / + sqrt(2); my($longmult); if (abs($lat) < $maxlatdiff ) { # special case - near equator $longmult = 1; } else { $longmult = 1 / cos(abs($lat) - $maxlatdiff); } my($maxlongdiff) = $maxlatdiff * $longmult; return sub { abs($lat - $_[0]) < $maxlatdiff and abs($long - $_[1]) < $maxlongdiff; } }
Then, I assume that you've loaded your data into something like this:
# zipcode, lat, long @data = (['00210', 43.00589, 71.0132], ['00211', 43.00589, 71.0132], . +..);
And then done something like this to it:
map { $_->[1] *= PI/180; $_->[2] *= PI / 180;} @data;
Then you can do something like this:
$distance = 25; for $i (0..$#data) { my $quick_reject_routine = make_quick_reject($data[$i]->[1], $data[$i]->[2], $distance); my $quick_accept_routine = make_quick_accept($data[$i]->[1], $data[$i]->[2], $distance); for $record (grep(! $quick_reject_routine->($_->[1],$_->[2]), @data[$i+1..$#data])) { if ($quick_accept_routine->($record->[1],$record->[2]) or long_acceptance_routine($record, $data[$i], $distance) { # write it to some file or other } } }
Where for "long_calculation_routine", you substitute in essentially what you're doing now. (or better yet, something analogous to the simpler C code suggested in the post I made before logging in) Extending this to the case of checking several distances at once shouldn't be hard - just construct an array of quick reject and quick accept procedures, and then check through them in order before trying the long acceptance routine. Something like this:
@distances = qw(5 10 25 50 100); @distfiles = map { "0-$_.txt" } @distances; for $i (0..$#data) { my @quick_reject_routines = map { make_quick_reject($data[$i]->[1], $data[$i]->[2], $_); } @distances; my @quick_accept_routines = map { make_quick_accept($data[$i]->[1], $data[$i]->[2], $_); } @distances; OTHERCITY: for $j ($i..$#data)) { DISTANCE: for $d (0..$#distances) { if ($quick_reject_routines[$d]->($data[$j][1],$data[$j][2])) { next DISTANCE; } if ($quick_accept_routines[$d]->($data[$j][1],$data[$j][2]) or long_acceptance_routine($data[$j], $data[$i], $distance) { map { write_csv_line($data[$i], $data[$j], $_); write_csv_line($data[$j], $data[$i], $_); } @distfiles[$d..$#distances]; next OTHERCITY; } } } }
Of course, this still contains extraneous calls to long_acceptance_routine, but my hope is that the routines long_acceptance_routine depends on will somehow be caching recent results (see the Memoize modules) and so there won't be the performance penalty.