in reply to Free Nodelet Hack: RAT collapse all
in thread Free Nodelet freed

If you add the following snippet to your Free Nodelet, you'll have a way to clear all the radiobuttons on the current page.
<script language="javascript"><!-- function clear_all_radios(){ var lb = "\x5B"; var rb = "\x5D" var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); var elnum; for(elnum=0;elnum<elements.length;elnum++){ var el = eval("elements"+lb+"elnum"+rb); if ( el.type == 'radio') { el.checked = false; } } } //--></script> <p><a href="javascript:clear_all_radios()">Clear All Radiobuttons</a>< +/p>

Thanks to jZed for the parent node, upon which this code is based.

See also: planetscape's Free Nodelet Hack: Check or Clear all "Delete" Message Checkboxes in Your Message Inbox